Wangdue Tsechu & The Ballad of Pemi Tshewang Tashi.

"The Ballad of Pemi Tshewang" is perhaps the most popular ballad in Bhutan. The fame of this 19th century's ballad is undisputed as it touches the limits of the oral ingenuity of a bhutanese. The popularity of the ballad is so widespread in the country that it is not only taught in primary schools, but... Continue Reading →

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Book Review: “Yangchhen” & “Turning Point”

Beware of Yangchhens around you. There is an African saying, “that until the lions have their own historian, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” This is exactly the core message in Pema Wangchuk’s book ‘Turning Point’ and ‘Yangchhen, the Mastermind.’ The author had his side of the story to tell. His... Continue Reading →

A Book Review: Season & Senses

Not anything, and only on the premise that reviewing a book can also be considered one form of art in literature, I am writing a minor review on the book titled, “Season and Senses”  (Seeta in conversation with Bhutan Echoes on her book.) Seeta Maya Rai, the author of the book, ‘Seasons and Senses’ is... Continue Reading →

What Is In A Name?

“Look, Patrick - I disagree with you. You know what? I also don’t think American names are great,” I said, as we dragged our luggage through the ribbon-barricaded passage near the ticket counter at the airport.  Patrick narrowed his brows. “But, Karma, don’t you see Bhutanese names are so confusing? Names like Dorji Tshomo, Dorji... Continue Reading →

Embrace – A Book Review 

               Book Title: Embrace                Author: Yeshey Choden (Yeshe) Publisher: Bhutan Printing Solution Published: 2022 Pages: 20 Price: Nu.390.00 To be frank, reading poetry has never been a rewarding hobby to me. Every time I read one, I either struggle to understand the words, the language or what the poem is trying to convey. But,... Continue Reading →

Migmer – The Red Eye Robot.

Bhutan will host its first-ever World Robot Expo in its capital next year, therefore, this year, 2090 is a year of science for all Bhutanese robot scientists. Determined to exhibit their robots during the expo, scientists across the country toil in their labs, creating robots from dawn to dusk, oblivious of flying cars, super-speed hyperloop... Continue Reading →

One Kitchen Lesson

The place where I work is in the heart of Thimphu town. During lunch break, as I don’t bring any lunch , I usually eat out at Dil Maya Restaurant, an eatery opposite to my office. Believe me or not, I have never seen a restaurant always full of customers such as this. People wait... Continue Reading →

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